
Touch totem

Items that fulfill multitasking interactive function in one place, both in open and closed urban spaces, allowing the user and companies to optimize resources that would be used in displacements to obtain information that require to obtain in different places, these objects have applications that allow the person to be informed of their surroundings and at the same time entertain in one place, thanks to the fact that they have touch and electronic technology, which gives them maximum capacity for interaction.


  • Virtual receptionist, informative and educational guidance.
  • Virtual entertainer.
  • Virtual commercial and touristic guide informant.
  •  Mobile device charging center.

Notion ideas:

  • -Interactive tactile totem.
  •  Interactive tactile stand


Smart Mirror

Technological device with tactile characteristics that can inform a user about what they want, as well as  companies to  give  them the opportunity to show their products, with multiple functionalities, both in commercial and public spaces, can enhance self-esteem and increase the beauty of the person who uses it, with what the very attractive for who uses them. Composed with the latest technology in applications, you can inform about the health of a person and information about  what it requires, providing  utility   and aesthetics  in              the place where they are.


  • Virtual interactive self-care and assistant Doctor.
  • Virtual interactive commercial and educative informant.
  • Virtual interactive cosmetic and product informant.
  • Virtual interactive entertainment y and self-esteem center.
  • Mobile device charging center.

holographic device

With the advancement of new technologies in communication, advertising media and entertainment, holographic applications have arrived to turn the lives of those who are accustomed to seeing objects in third dimension only  on normal screens, or with  the  help  of  accessories such as special glasses, now we have the technology which you can display virtual products on the  air visually simulating a real one without the help of anything, starting a new way of displaying objects and virtual entertainment.


  • Virtual holographic interactive commercial product displayer
  • Virtual holographic interactive object displayer
  • Virtual holographic interactiveEntertainment center
  • Mobile device charging center

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about us Who We Are Starting from the concept that a notion creation can not only be a decoration in an urban space, but also perform various utilities, we place engineering and design, so that it can acquire technology and performs several functions, therefore, a person is able to optimize their time, space and resources …

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b-functional Smart, Beautiful notion designs for your dreamed place Learn more Global Coverage We provide not only shipping all over the world, but also that our clients can benefit from the support, the technologies and the experiences we provide. High Technology customized for each place All the products are made with the best that science, …

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